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nba经典语录 英文版 nba英语语录:新2信用系统平台出租-第1张图片-皇冠信用盘出租

“不要问为什么,我只是想赢” (科比)


“有了压力才会成钻。当乔丹要射篮的时候,他并不想哪怕一个人盯着他” (皮朋)



What are some NBA English quotes worth remembering?

NBA English quotes are some of the few widely spread quotes. They are from powerful players, coaches, and commentators and summarize the core spirit of basketball, inspiring and encouraging people. In this article, we will interpret some NBA English quotes in detail.

“Talent is God-given, be humble. Fame is man-given, be grateful. Conceit is self-given, be careful.” (John Wooden)

This quote comes from legendary coach John Wooden,which reminds us that everybody has unique talents, but we should maintain humility out of respect for the source of our gifts – God. Fame and recognition may be bestowed upon us by human society, but we should always maintain a state of gratitude. Furthermore, we should be careful of developing arrogance or conceit, which stem from within us and can damage ourselves and others.

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” (Wayne Gretzky)

This quote from hockey legend Wayne Gretzky is widely loved not just in the world of sports but also in wider society. This idea encourages us to be bold in life, to take risks and seize opportunities whenever they arise, seeing failure as just another stepping stone to success.

“The best teams have chemistry. They communicate with each other and they sacrifice personal glory for the common goal.” (Dave DeBusschere)

While having individual talent is important, it is even more crucial to be a team player. Good communication and collaboration can create effective chemistry on the court, leading to victories. At the same time, sacrifices made for the team such as giving up a chance to score to pass the ball to another teammate can lead to much greater success than trying to do it all alone.

NBA English quotes are not only valuable in the basketball field but also offer insights into how to weather life storms, resist temptation, and lead a successful life. Even the simplest quotes can become powerful motivation. Reading a few of these quotes can be an uplifting experience, providing encouragement to move forward.
